Hygiene Is Not Negotiable I’ve been accused of having a touch of OCD when it comes to cleanliness and order, and I don’t deny…
Dear Daughter: Here’s What I Want You To Know Before Your Baby Sister Is Born You showed me what it is to hold my future and greatest life's work in my arms.
All the Reasons Why My Kid’s Friends Stress Me Out My daughter is in kindergarten and she's started making her own friends. And here's the thing: it's not all good.
Hey Mama, You Need to be a Little More Selfish I realized when my first daughter was just about a year old that I hadn’t had a facial, a girls’…
10 Thoughts Every Mom Has Had (But Would Never Dare Say Out Loud) #7. “How much trouble would I get in if I left my threenager on the curb of this Target?”
Dear New Moms: Here’s What You Should Stop Worrying About Right Now Seriously, don't spend another minute thinking about these things.
It Doesn’t Always Feel Like It, But the Sacrifice of Motherhood is Totally Worth It If there was one thing I wish I did before having children, it would be to feel more grateful for…
Okay Fine, I’m the Messy Parent You know how you see those posts on social media from moms sharing their house-cleaning woes? The ones where their…
21 Rookie Mistakes Every Mom Has Made #6. Didn’t cover the baby’s penis during a diaper change. Or your mouth.
Four Reasons I Love My Minivan Before I became a mom, I swore I would never drive a minivan. After I became a mom, I still…