Did I Experience Empty Nest Syndrome… Already? Having a few days to myself made me realize something important about my relationship with my son.
Secrets to Getting Your Sex Life Back After Kids It's easier than you think to reclaim your sex life -- with this insider advice.
Creating a Cozy Life for My Son, Despite Our NYC Roots It's easy to go overboard when you live in a big city. But I'm taking the opposite approach with A.
Purple Hair, Twerking & 7 Other Trends I Hope My Kids Avoid Ranging from silly to dangerous, these trends make me cringe. Have I missed any?
6 Surprising Ways Motherhood Prepared Me for Marriage My journey to being the best wife possible didn’t start on my wedding day. It started the day I became…
Drop Those Water Guns: 6 Less-Stressful-for-You Pool Games These toys ruin MY pool time. I'm changing my boys' ways, so I can chill instead of play referee.
Kim Kardashian’s Paid Date to Vienna Irked Me She's a mom now, so it's time to reel in the obligations and focus on her biggest priority, baby daughter…
Enjoy Better Sex: 10 Bizarre Libido Boosters There's science behind them, but you won't believe the strange turn-ons that made this list!
Why Arguing Keeps Our Marriage Healthy That couple that's always debating might be onto something, as long as they're bickering the right way.
My 3-Year-Old Called Me Out on My iPhone Addiction The worst part: My kids realize that I'd rather play on my phone than play with them.