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Love & Sex (Page 106)
Here's the thing: Improving your sex life means focusing on more than just the physical.
Our 6-year-old son A often draws, plays with Legos, and practices his writing -- from a bar stool.
Call me a feminist and I’ll say, “Thank you.” Hopefully my daughter will respond the same way someday.
Like his mom, my son isn't a natural athlete. But here are 10 reasons I refuse to let him quit…
With social media, breakups are messy and they can turn you into a stalker. Avoid the mess with these tips.
Last night, for example, involved dealing with a puking little boy and crying dog -- all alone.
You know your kids better than anyone. Doesn't that make you the best expert on how to raise them?
While away, I have a chance to actually miss my husband. And that's just for starters.
My son had a tough year. Looking back, I realize that he wasn’t the one with something to learn, I…
I didn't think it was a good idea for my boys to share a room. Turns out, I was wrong.
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