How to Have a Hotter Sex Life — Now! Here's the thing: Improving your sex life means focusing on more than just the physical.
I Let My Kid Hang Out in a Bar Our 6-year-old son A often draws, plays with Legos, and practices his writing -- from a bar stool.
Why I Hope My Daughter Is a Feminist Call me a feminist and I’ll say, “Thank you.” Hopefully my daughter will respond the same way someday.
Why My Kid Should Play Sports (Even If He Doesn’t Want To) Like his mom, my son isn't a natural athlete. But here are 10 reasons I refuse to let him quit…
How to Break Up with Your Ex on Social Media With social media, breakups are messy and they can turn you into a stalker. Avoid the mess with these tips.
Sometimes Being a Single Mom Is Scary & Chaotic Last night, for example, involved dealing with a puking little boy and crying dog -- all alone.
Forget the Parenting Experts: Go with Your Gut You know your kids better than anyone. Doesn't that make you the best expert on how to raise them?
Traveling for Work Makes Me a Better Wife While away, I have a chance to actually miss my husband. And that's just for starters.
20 Things My Kindergartener Taught Me My son had a tough year. Looking back, I realize that he wasn’t the one with something to learn, I…
4 Ways My Boys Benefit from Sharing a Room I didn't think it was a good idea for my boys to share a room. Turns out, I was wrong.