I Worry That My Twins Get Cheated Out of Fun We can't go on last-minute adventures. Everything requires planning, or at least an extra set of hands.
5 Best Date Night Movies These new and soon-to-be released movies will entertain you both. (Seriously!)
More Lies to My Kid — This Time About My Age But here's the thing: I lie to protect my son, not to deliberately deceive him.
Provocative Campaign Tackles Public Breastfeeding Challenges Since the ad went viral, the moms in it have been sexualized and even called "trashy."
6 Best Foreplay Foods from Your Kitchen Adding edible ingredients to foreplay is a surefire way to end your night with fireworks.
8 Ways to Stop the Mommy Wars Gwyneth Paltrow recently suggested how to end the mommy wars. Here, my two cents on the topic.
Married Sex: 5 Ways to Get Yourself in the Mood When sleep sounds more enticing than sex, it's time to jumpstart your libido.
Mother-Daughter Bonding: Carnival-Style We're looking forward to face painting and other fun at Old Navy in NYC this Saturday. Join us!
An Open Letter to New Moms: Ease Up. I set this extremely high bar for myself as if motherhood was something to be mastered...
5 Tips That Could Save Your Marriage Thinking about getting a divorce? Try these tips -- and you just might change your mind.