I Don’t Want My Sons to Inherit My Weight Issues I'd hate for my insecurities to rob my kids of the pleasure of a good meal.
A Funny (& Fake) Take on the Future of Chelsea Clinton’s Baby I’m excited for Chelsea's first baby to arrive, so I couldn't resist writing my version of the child's life story.
Why I’ll Never Post an #AfterSex Selfie Yep, this is a new trend on Instagram. Would you ever post a pic of your after-sex self?
Should Parents Have a Dress Code for School Pick-Up? I agree with FL school officials who say it's not OK for parents to wear booty shorts. Your thoughts?
Lockdown Drills Alone Won’t Protect Our Kids These school safety drills should happen—but there's something else we need to do first.
Is Motherhood Ruining Your Sex Life? You had an active sex life...and then you had kids. Here's how to get your old love life back.
Answering Tough Questions About the Tooth Fairy & Other Lies What happens when my bright, inquisitive son stops accepting my vague responses?
What’s Your (& His) Love Language? I scoffed at the idea of different love “languages” -- until I had been married for a few years.
Stop Asking If My Twins Are “Natural”! Why do strangers think that it's okay to ask twin mamas how their babies were made?
6 Sassy Books on Super Hot Sex Positions The Kama Sutra isn't the only book for spicing things up between the sheets! Check out these sexy reads.