Josie Maran: What I’m Teaching My Girls by Being a Working Mom I love knowing that my oldest daughter has grown up watching me balance work and motherhood as I live my…
My Most Awkward Dates Since Getting Divorced One drenched-in-sweat guy talked nonstop about sea urchins. But he wasn't the worst date by far.
My Son’s Health Crisis Inspired Me to Help Other Kids Henry is thriving, despite battling a heart defect as a newborn. I want to give other kids like him an…
11 Cool Things Our Kids Will Never Experience Sure, our kids have iPads and 100 channels. But we had music videos on MTV and mixed tapes.
What It’s Really Like to Date as a Single Mom I've been there -- and so have these real moms who share their sweet (and awful) dating stories.
Why I Refuse to Date Men With Kids I long to meet Mr. Right and become a mom, but I've been burned by guys who already have kids.
What Spanx Taught Me About Parenting I wouldn’t mind help with my postpartum silhouette. But if I wear shapewear, what message will I be sending to…
7 Tricks I Use to Minimize Clothing Wars With My Kids With these "rules," I keep my sanity and my kids and I argue less about what they wear.
Why I Broke My Strict “No TV in the Bedroom” Rule My TV policy lasted until the kids were born. Here's why they changed my mind.