Getting up Close and Personal with an Attachment Parent: We Ask the Tough Questions We interviewed an attachment parent and asked: why choose to parent this way?
Dealing With ‘I Want a Baby Brother!’ as a Single Mom My son knows we can't get a sibling at the store, but it's still difficult for him to understand why…
Hilarious Mommy Brain Moments from Real Moms A new study challenges so-called mommy brain. But these moms prove that it's a real thing.
Mom-Life Crisis: What I Do When My Kids are at School What to do with yourself when the little ones are at school? We've got lots of fun ideas!
Will My Friend’s Married Lover Leave His Wife for Her? My friend is dating a married man that has no children. He says he loves her. He says he's going…
Is My Husband Over Photographing Our Kids? My kids can't spot an iPhone without smiling and assuming someone is taking their pic. Aren't all these pictures weird?
Ever Get Suspicious When Your Husband Is Too Nice? Chris and I often drive each other crazy -- we live and work together in a tiny apartment. But lately…
“I’m a Netflix Adulterer” I plan to make up for my latest indiscretion. But will my husband forgive me?
How Do I Teach My Kids Balance without Making Them Weird about Food? Is feeding kids only organic kale actually good for them? Here's how I try to instill balance in my kids.
We’re Divorced and Our Kid Wants a Dog. So . . . Who Gets the Dog? Our kid desperately wants a pooch, so who has to bite the bullet and get the dog—me or my ex?