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Love & Sex (Page 120)
There's no way to sugar coat this: Pregnancy made me crazy the first time around. My marriage survived, but what…
Gone are the days of a last-minute Sunday brunch where I drink and dance on tables. I need to plan…
Because of my mom's lessons, I am not a pushover. I refuse to cater to a man's every need, like…
My father hasn't always been there for me, but he's taught me some invaluable lessons about dating.
Moms sure do take their kids after-school activities pretty seriously these days, but I'm content to let my daughter have…
Sometimes I feel like my kids are more attached to the nanny than they are to me. Can you relate?
I can't avoid them any longer; my kids want to participate in after-school activities which leaves little time for anything…
Following the advice I always give my clients, I scheduled sex -- and the results were shocking.
My maternity leave is over. But is going back to work the best decision for all of us?
Secrets to writing a profile that will get you dates (from a mom who's done it).
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