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Love & Sex (Page 121)
Why not? We both enjoy it! How do you feel about your partner reading "dirty" magazines?
Weekends for the single parent are either totally kid-free or totally kid-filled. Find out how our blogger deals.
It's not that I'm heartless. It's that keeping him in his own bed could lead to a happier childhood. Here's…
Every time I try and pamper myself I'm interrupted. Does having kids mean saying goodbye to "me time"?
CVS sets up a Valentine's Day display in stores that includes Plan B emergency contraceptive.
Parents shaming their kids on the internet is a new form of punishment. Does this help or hurt?
I'm 35 without a romantic relationship in sight. Is a baby pact with a friend my best option at this…
You don't have to be a millionaire to have the ultimate pleasure chest. Here are 5 sex toys anyone can…
OK, so women should come with a handbook. Here it is, boys. Follow this guide when dating a single mom.
I'm a single, 35-year-old woman who longs to have children. Is a sperm donor the answer?
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