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Love & Sex (Page 5)
Well, here we are in week whatever of quarantine and the initial novelty of having to stay at home has…
I love my girlfriends — especially my single-mother besties because they know what the hell is up and can read…
I’ve been told I’m a pretty motivated person. I never procrastinated doing my work in high school or college. I…
Like the time he super glued a shelf to the wall, instead of using screws and nails.
I am sick and tired of hearing these unhelpful words.
If we’re scared to talk to them about the big issues all around them, how can we say we’re doing…
You know those moms who joke about serving chicken nuggets to their kids on occasion? As is frozen, battered processed…
3. He buys electronics that we definitely don’t need.
My second grader handed me an order slip for her yearly school yearbook the other day, and I found myself…
#1. They're developing sharper negotiating skills.
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