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Relationships (Page 10)
Thinking about getting a divorce? Try these tips -- and you just might change your mind.
As a single mom, I've had great first dates and disasterous ones. Here's what I've learned.
I scoffed at the idea of different love “languages” -- until I had been married for a few years.
Don't let these common relationship killers come between you and your partner.
You don't have to say "I love you" to show that you care. Here, sweet gestures that send the right…
Post-separation, my bedroom was haunted by memories of my failed marriage. The first step to moving on? A new room.
I'm trying to be more proactive about spending time with all my friends -- not just the ones with kids.
Think it's noble to stay together for the kids? Think again.
The men I dated after my separation weren't right for me. Here's how you can avoid making the same mistakes.
Experts say the number one stressor in a marriage is money. But it was our messy house that almost ruined…
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