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Relationships (Page 4)
I finally know how to cut through the bullsh*t. Life is too short to hang out with anyone but my…
And here's the thing: This is true, even though the alcoholic is now my ex-husband.
We ended our marriage just in time to save our friendship, but we still bicker.
It's not for the weak.
I wondered whether he truly saw me, knew me, and genuinely thought of me as family. Then he gave me…
I really feel like I'm mothering my own mom when it comes to daily life and family relationships.
The "Mommy Wars" are real -- but, these amazing moms are a tremendous source of love and support.
I am too polite to say this to your face, but when we came for a visit last month you…
I love you and need you now more than ever, FWK. But, please let me explain how our relationship will…
Single moms: Now that you have a child in the mix, the rules are different than before you were a…
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