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Parenting In the News (Page 13)
The Baltimore mom's actions have been criticized and praised, but there's so much more to this story.
Plus, moving for love (again) and why is Victoria's Secret so pink?
Plus, a royal baby name update and how to be a sorry -- not sorry -- mom.
This news evokes a range of emotions from me: joy, disappointment, and disbelief.
Would YOU publicly scold someone else's kids?
I’d be horrified and embarrassed. But, I would never do what one Wisconsin dad did to his child.
Plus, what it's like to be a kindergartner's personal assistant and what to wear to work.
“You know what Facebook needs? More badly framed, out-of-focus iPhone photos of average looking babies” - said no one ever.
You won't believe what the Italian fashion designers said recently. As a mom, I'm horribly offended.
Plus, the best hair products from the drugstore and a break-up letter to Uber.
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