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Parenting In the News (Page 17)
The supermodel mom shares great tips just in time for Christmas! Plus, a beautiful baby shower DIY, and more.
Can you imagine?!
Does your kid have one of these names? Plus, a letter from your to do list, a DIY wreath, and…
Can you relate? Plus, watch a hilarious video of a dad trying to scold his paint-covered kids.
Find out why some hospitals are changing the way they bundle up newborns.
Admit it: You've definitely judged a mom about one of these things. Plus, Thanksgiving on Instagram vs. real life.
Here's a great reason to stress a little less about your work performance.
Kim Kardashian and other celebs show off their Trick-or-Treaters. Plus, super simple ways to develop your kid's language skills.
Is one of the defective seats in your car right now? Find out!
There's a new test that you can use to find out. Learn how it works!
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