
Kids Activity: Thumbtack Ornaments

Christmas is in full swing at our place but my 4 yr old didn’t want to stop at decorating the tree, so I’ve been having to come up with several Christmas craft ideas to satisfy his holiday spirit. Today we made some thumbtack ornaments. Great for a preschooler because they really can do it themselves, but it really can be fun for all ages really. Keep reading to see the full tutorial…




  • Round styrofoam balls (I recommend smallish ones)
  • Assortment of thumbtacks
  • Thin thread
  • Metal ornament hooks (not pictured)


Start by sorting out the thumbtacks if you’d like. Doing it by color will be really fun for preschoolers (just make sur they’re carefully wth the sharp end!)


Show you child how to put the thumbtacks into the ball. You can give them a little direction or just let them go for it like I did


If doesn’t have to be completely full to be done, just whenever your child has had enough. That’s why the smaller balls are better than larger.


To hang, stic the shorter end of the ornament hook into the styrofoam and push it all the way inside


Push it down, including the top hook until there’s just a small hook left on top.


Then tie a piece of thin string, like this bakers twine, through the hook and make a knot with both ends. Hang on your tree and enjoy!

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