A Working Mom’s Nightmare

I’ll just pause here and express my extreme jealousy over his week off. When I was a kid, not only did I have to walk to school up hill, in the snow, both ways, but I only got a four day weekend for Thanksgiving break.

While he’s excited to have a week to watch Doctor Who and play with his Legos, I’m in panic mode. A week long school break is a working mom’s nightmare. Especially when her child is in a school-sponsored after school program that closes when the school closes. As I’ve written before, childcare for most working parents is a house of cards. I’m lucky in that I work for a school district and can take time off during the winter break. However, my district isn’t closed next week which means I’ll be at my desk while I line up alternative care for Joseph.

While there were a few “day camps” available, the total cost for them is more than I usually spend in a month. So I opened my contact list and tapped my sister for a full day play date and asked my in-laws if they can watch him for a day. My ex switched work days and will be able to take him for a day. As long as no one gets sick, my ex’s employer okays the switch, and the stars align, we should be fine.

At least until the next long school break.

If you’re a working mom, how do you cope with long school breaks?

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