Every time I find myself finishing my kids' chicken fingers or pizza, I vow that this will be the last time I indulge in greasy kid food. But then the kids says they want to go for pizza or hot dogs and my willpower goes to the dogs. The hot dogs. No doubt about it, kids get to eat the best food. Anything greasy, cheesy that's covered in ketchup is also delicious. So maybe I need to take a few less bites of the kid's leftovers, but that doesn't mean I can't indulge in these delicious treats from time to time.
12 Kid Foods No Mom Can Resist
Hot Dogs
Beef? Chicken? Veggie? Ballpark? Turkey? Doesn't matter. The meat may be questionable, but the taste is fantastic.
Kids are not the only people who need a little bit of cake. And frosting. Actually, lots of frosting.
French Fries
French fries aren't fattening when they comes from someone else's plate. Shh, just pretend that's true.
Fruit Loops
If you wait long enough the milk turns pink. So technically this cereal is breakfast and science.
Grilled Cheese
Hey, it's a good source of calcium -- and veggies if you pair your sandwich with tomato soup.
Ice Cream
Even grown-ups scream for ice cream. Why should kids be the only ones to have the fun stuff?
Why should kids be the only people to spend their weekends at pizza-filled birthday parties? Love means getting to eat pizza.
Another calcium-rich treat; your doctor would totally approve of that chocolate shake you just got at the drive-thru. It's good for you!
There is nothing bad about a food filled with guacamole, cheese, and more cheese.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Is there anything better than a warm chocolate chip cookie? Yeah, two warm chocolate chip cookies.
Chicken Fingers
Fried foods + Protein = Fried Protein. That's part good for you, right?
No, candy is not technically a food. But, yes, candy is technically delicious.