Naps, junk food and dance class, oh my! Boy it’s great to be a kid — much more so than a grown-up. Here’s why.
Naps + 9 Other Reasons It's Better To Be A Kid Than An Adult
You Get To Take Really Cool Classes
They say youth is wasted on the young, but dance class is wasted on kids who complain about going. Any adult would gladly trade places and take tae kwan do, art, drama or dance while their kid sits in the waiting room doing nothing.
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Temper Tantrums Are Totally Acceptable
As adults, we're expected to be calm and collected all the time. But on occasion, wouldn't it be great to totally freak out about traffic or that package that didn't come on time without every other grown-up telling you to grown up? Yeah.
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Amusement Parks Are Made For You
Technically anyone can go to an amusement park, but everything about them is made for kids. And let's face it, amusement parks are really, really fun.
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You Don't Have To Have A Job
It doesn't matter how much we love our jobs, it doesn't compare to spending your day at the park, swimming, snacking and playing with friends.
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You Have Your Own Private Chauffeur
As Moms, we often feel like the world's worst paid Uber driver. That's because we spend the bulk of our days shlepping our kids to all the fun stuff they get to do. But if someone else could drive and you could spend the time reading, napping or just hanging out, wouldn't that be amazing? Totally.
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You Get To Eat Junk Food Without Guilt
There's no law against grown-ups eating junk food, but there is a ton of guilt and the reality of having a grown-up metabolism. But a kid has the metabolism of a hummingbird, and no reason to feel guilty for eating that bag of Cheeto's.
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You Don't Have To Pay For Anything
Kids get new clothes all the time and new shoes every season. They get new cars, iPhones and get to do just about anything they want. The only thing kids don't get, is the bill. No wonder why kids are always smiling!
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You Get To Jump On Anything You Want
A jumping kid, totally normal. A jumping grown-up, kind of weird. From trampolines to the neighbor's couch, kids get to jump around wherever and whenever they like.
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You Don't Have To Plan Your Own Birthday Party, Ever.
Kids get petting zoos and bounce houses at their birthday party while most grown-ups get a card, if they're lucky. Birthday parties are cool, especially when you're excited to get older and you don't have to do all the work.
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You Get To Nap, Sometimes More Than Once
Kids will do anything to avoid sleeping while grown-ups will do just about anything to get a little shut eye. So why not let the kids do laundry while mom sleeps?
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