Mommy Time 10/24: 10 TV Shows Even Worse Than Caillou

The Very Best Pumpkin Recipes (Cooking on the Weekends)

29 Things Everyone with a Vagina Should Definitely Know (Buzzfeed)

10 Big Kids TV Shows That Are Worse Than Caillou (Mommyish)

Watch: New Alexander Wang / H&M Commercial (The Fashion Spot)

We Nearly Lost Him (Love Dexter)

The Last Tampon (Bad Sandy)

More Juicy Goodness

Study: Facebook Could Ruin Your Marriage

Leave Renee Zellweger Alone: My Kids Don’t Judge, Why Do You?

My Shockingly Big First Trimester Bump

Pregnant & Single: The Best Parenting Advice Ever

Study: Your Husband’s Diet May Be Harming His Sperm Count

New Study Finds Shocking Health Effects of Drinking Soda

Photo: Getty 

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