3 Incredibly Inspiring ‘Boy Moms’ Share Their Secrets

I have the greatest friends. I know everyone says that about their friends but I REALLY do. The best. I have somehow been able to surround myself with the most extraordinary women who are real, tender, generous, loyal, and one of my favorite qualities… call me out on my SH*T!

These friendships have been growing for years, too. I have women that know me. I mean REALLY know me. We’ve lived through high school dances, graduations, weddings, divorces, births — all the big ticket items. They have been there. The grace that I feel when I am with my friends surpasses understanding. So. I decided to take a moment and ask three of my closest “BOY MOM” friends HOW THE HECK THEY DO IT. And some of my burning questions. I have one boy and these gals are working in the multiples. I see how they live their lives. They walk the walk. They talk the talk. So this week’s guest editor post, Spencer style, is a tribute to my friends: Amazing mothers. Friends. Confidants. And my personal Inspiration. Each one was willing to share some of her secrets. So. YOU’RE WELCOME!

Karen Katulka, 34, Haddonfield, New Jersey

Mother of Olive Kathryn, 4; Cohen Robert, 2; and Preston Charles, 2
Friend of 21 years

Q: What is your greatest “staying organized” secret?
KK: With the things that never change in my home, I stay organized. Our everyday things, like coats and shoes, have a place. But, Lord knows, if a new toy or party favor or library book comes into my house unannounced I do not know what to do!

Q: What do you love most about being a “boy mom”? (no offense to your girl!)
KK: Losing my stomach every time they do something crazy that could kill them. Cause then I eat less. J/K. Or, learning how to embrace how fearless they are, so that I’m not constantly losing my mind.

Q: What product can you not LIVE without as a mom?
KK: My Baby Jogger City Select double stroller with glider board add-on (for sis). Saved my life.

Q: What is something you thought you would never do as a mother, and you totally do?
KK: Enjoy the smell of my boys’ drool. I always take an extra moment to smell their slobber-stained cheeks when we cuddle after they first wake up.

Q: What do you do to stay sane and restore?
KK: Take deep breaths, read the Bible (Jesus’ words keeps me sane), get a pedicure, and text my mom friends who are usually struggling a little, too. Feeling normal is hugely restorative for me.

Bonus Q: What word would you use to describe your life as a mother who works?
KK: Balanced

Jourdan Burks Johnson, 34, Bryan, TX

Mother of Case Samuel Johnson, 2, and pregnant with baby #2
Friend of 29 years

Q: What is your greatest “staying organized” secret? 
Lara Casey’s powersheets! They help me stay focused and remember to prioritize so that everything I’m doing is in line with what I want my whole life to be about.

Q: What do you love most about being a “boy mom”? 
JJ: That I’m his favorite girl in the whole world.

Q: What product can you not LIVE without as a mom?
JJ: A good tote. A Raven + Lily bag was my go-to this summer.

Q: What is something you thought you would never do as a mother, and you totally do?
JJ: Feel bad when I discipline my son. I’m not as tough as I thought I was!

Q: What do you do to stay sane and restore?
JJ: Make sure I have some me time, by myself. And pray.

Bonus Q: What word would you use to describe your life as a mother who works?
JJ: Flexibility

Kristine Korver, 42, Los Angeles

Mother of Kaden, 10; Misha, 8; and Lincoln, 5
Friend of 14 years

Q: What is your greatest “staying organized” secret?
KK: I go through the mail at the trash can outside. I toss all junk mail immediately outside before entering the house. Then I open any mail that looks legit at the trash can inside. By the time I am done with that, I’m left only with bills, filing, and personal mail. 

During the school week, I give myself a head start by setting up everything the night before for the next day. I pack my gym bag. Set out my gym clothes. Set out the kids clothes. Pack lunches. Set out cereal bowls, etc. Anything that can be done to make the morning go smoothly, I do it. When I don’t do this, typically the mornings suck.

Q: What do you love most about being a “boy mom”? (no offense to your girl!)
KK: Growing up it was just me and my sister, so I hunted, camped, and did everything outdoors with my dad. He did with us what he would have done if he had boys. As an adult, I pulled away from those activities and gravitated toward my feminine side. Having two boys has drawn out that adventurous side of me from my childhood again. Fort building, outdoor fun, and indoor fighting games are a daily occurrence. Plain and simple, they bring out the kid in me.

Q: What product can you not LIVE without as a mom?
KK: California Baby hair de-tangler spray. It prevents little boy ‘bedhead’ from leaving the house every morning.

Q: What is something you thought you would never do as a mother, and you totally do?

KK: After my third child, I wear gloves when changing poopie diapers. I have boxes of disposable gloves stocked. Honestly, what took me so long?

Q: What do you do to stay sane and restore?
KK: I get up early and have a cup of coffee by myself before I wake up the kids, and I read something encouraging. I exercise almost every day during the week. I listen to music pretty much all the time.

Bonus Q: What word would you use to describe your life as a mother who works?
KK: Operational

Photos: (from top) Karen Katulka; Ashley Monogue; and Elizabeth Messina

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