When I was pregnant with my first child, I wanted to make the right purchasing decisions, but as a new mom I knew nothing about baby products. Inspired to give moms an app I wish I had, my business partners and I launched Favored.by. It’s an app where moms can rate the best products out there—and that means I spend a lot of time researching baby products on the market. I’ve also had three kids (my youngest one is 3-years-old), so I’m constantly trying things out. And here’s the thing: I’ve discovered that there are certain game changers out there that make all the difference, especially when you have a newborn. Here, the things that I recommend to all new moms…
More for New Moms:
- 21 Things Every New Mom Thinks During Her First Week with Her Newborn
- Postpartum Style Tricks Every New Mom Needs to Know
- 5 Ways I’ve Kept My Sanity As a New Mom
The 9 Things Every New Mom Needs to Survive the First Three Months
Happiest Baby on the Block DVD
This DVD is an absolute must-have; I watched it many, many times and following Dr. Harvey Karp’s 5 S’s—swaddle, side or stomach position, shush, swing, and suck—made all the difference for my three children.
Photo: Amazon -
This new smart sleeper, designed by Dr. Karp, has the functionality to do the 5 S’s. It’s beautiful and modern. It’s pricey, but I’d think of it as $7 a night, since you’re using it for six months.
Photo: Snoo -
White Noise Machine
I used a sound machine for all three of my children, to help them get to sleep. Just be sure to find one that’s safe for your baby’s hearing, and don’t put it too close to your crib; consult your pediatrician for recommendations.
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Great Swaddle
I am a big advocate of swaddling the babies. It was truly amazing for me. I used many different swaddles as my kids grew; the key is finding a swaddling blanket that your baby adores.
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Breast Pump
If you’re breastfeeding, I recommend getting a really great pump. There are many breast pumps out there, so it’s important to find the one that’s right for you and your lifestyle.
See the pumps that lactation consultants recommend.
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Hands-Free Pumping Bra
I was determined to keep nursing my children, even when I was busy at work, so I’d pump while driving to meetings. To be discreet, I’d drape my nursing cover over my hands-free bra and then store the milk in an ice chest I kept in the car.
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Support System of Women
There’s nobody who understands you better than other moms who are going through what you’re going through. I went to the Pump Station in Los Angeles when I was having a hard time breastfeeding. I got to sit with other moms and their babies and realize my situation wasn’t so bad. Their support really helped me push through the tough times!
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Slumber Sleeper
The heavens really opened up when I discovered this product. It’s best to start using it when babies are little. Think of it as a sleep sack that zips to your child’s sheet so she can’t climb out of the crib and run around. They make them in toddler size, too. My boys, who are 3 and 5, still use it!
Photo: Slumber Sleeper -
Car Seat Knowledge
A car seat is essential—but as a certified car seat technician, I know that it’s even more important to educate yourself about the right car seat for your child, as well as how to install it. Don’t assume that you know how to install it properly; in fact, 9 out of 10 car seats are not!
Photo: Getty