Newborn + Toddler + 5-Year-Old’s First Day Of School: Here’s How I’m Coping

If I could have planned the timing of number 3 better, I would have. I wouldn’t have had the pregnancy start the very month I broke my ankle (I mean, seriously?) And I most defiantly wouldn’t have had her be just 8-weeks-old when her older brother toddles off for his first day at school. But falling pregnant with ease isn’t one of my attributes and the truth is, we wanted her for well over a year so when she showed up we were bursting with excitement and the whole planning for ‘ease in life’ was out the window.

I’m well aware that my mornings are going to be busy but my routine of packing lunchboxes the night before and laying the clothes out too will help with the stress. It’s the afternoons I am most worried about and so that’s where I’m putting up my hand and saying I need help. Here’s what I am doing:

I’ve got help for the afternoons.

I remember reading a post by the ‘Parenting Boys’ guru Maggie Dent about the biggest issue she sees of parents with newborns; it was not getting adequate help. Her exact words of ‘get family or friends to help out’ or ‘if that isn’t an option, get some hired help.’ I think her line of ‘find the money, heck remortgage the house (joking) if that means you can pay someone to help you’ has really stuck with me. Luckily, I’ve been able to call on some great friends that are helping out.

I’m getting my home organised, so things run smoother.

The truth is, I’m a pretty clean gal, and many of my friends would be confused to read that my house even needs this, but it does. You see, my eldest would probably be my hardest babe to manage, I am not sure if it’s age or personality, but he can be VERY hard work. So since January 1 I’ve been meal planning like an absolute ninja and ensuring dinner is ready to go by early afternoon. I hope that I’ll do this during the school year so when he comes home, he’ll eat dinner instead of an afternoon snack. Come 6 p.m if he’s still up, he can have a snack. I’ve also done a lot of de-cluttering in the home, so there’s a clear space for his bag, uniform, books etc.  

I’m readying the whole family for the change.

I’m a little worried about my middle guy when school starts; he hasn’t known a life (or an outing) without his big brother in tow. Lately, we’ve been chatting about school and that it means his days will be filled with mumma and baby, but come 3pm he comes home, and we can all play together then. I’ve also encouraged hubby to see if he can move a few things around in his work diary so that he can do a drop-off one day a week. He’s a wonderful hands on Dad, so I’m hopeful that will happen with ease.

Are you in a similar boat to me, do you have youngens at home and a BIG kid that is starting school? How are you going with the change?

If you’re after some more tips to get ready for school, pop over to the NSW Education website and have a read of their checklists on how to prepare at home, information on your child’s wellbeing, health and safety while at school as well as activities and talking points for kids who are starting kindergarten. And good luck for the big first day.

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