The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Bottlerocket

The Funniest Memes About Summertime with the Kids

The thing about summertime for parents is that you seem to either feel completely alone in this gig, or like there are WAY too many people around you sweating and breathing excessively as you check yet again to make sure none of your kids have wandered off into the crowd. Both scenarios can put you over the edge because either way, you are floundering in your overwhelmed emotions while dealing with erratic children whose schedule is now constantly in flux. Sure, the message is that summer break is supposed to be a lazy, chill time, but try telling that to your offspring who are hopped up on rocket pops and a third night in a row of staying up three hours past their regular bedtime.

This is why we are ever-so-grateful for the funny parents of the internet who can take all this madness and smush it into refreshing, bite-sized servings. Relatable and hilarious, these parenting memes about summer break* with the kids just might have you hating that dinnertime jingle of the ice cream truck a little bit less tonight.

* LOL, “break”

Upon the last day of school, we look at the calendar and set some goals.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Mamas Doody

via Mamas Doody


It starts pretty great! And then…

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring The ParentNormal

via The ParentNormal


Things can escalate rather quickly.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Julie Burton

via Julie Burton, Writer


Rise and shine, ki—oh.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Housewife Plus

via Housewife Plus


Ahhh. So relaxing?

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Perfection Pending

via Perfection Pending by Meredith Ethington


Maybe it would help to send them to one of those local afternoon camps every so often to break things up?

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Brenna Jennings of Suburban Snapshots

via Brenna Jennings of Suburban Snapshots


Time to play outside!

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Marlebean

via Marlebean


We could always read a book while the kids splash around in the yard.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Science of Parenthood

via Science of Parenthood


Or how about focus on some healing music?

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring The Mom TruthBomb

via The Mom TruthBomb


Getting the kids out into nature is a wonderful pastime on sunny days. Until it isn’t.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Bottlerocket

via Bottlerocket


So the kids update their plan for the summer: How bad can it be?

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Paige Kellerman

via Paige Kellerman


As long as they’re quiet, don’t ask any questions.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Ashley Austrew

via Ashley Austrew


Maybe we’ll try going outside one more time. Or not?

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring LoneK8

via LoneK8


Oh parents. So fickle.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Mommy for Real

via Mommy, for Real


Why do people keep using the word “vacation” to describe when we travel with our families?

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Sarcastic Mommy

via Sarcastic Mommy


Pack up the minivan, kids, it’s beach time!

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Simon Holland

via Simon Holland


The best part of this is you get to do it every 60-90 minutes all summer long. WEEE!

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring How to Be a Dad

via How to Be a Dad


Once you’re all settled in, it’s non-stop fun!

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Housewife of Hell

via Housewife of Hell


Before we know it, summer break will be over and we can always plan better for next year.

The funniest memes about summertime with the kids on @itsMomtastic by Kim Bongiorno featuring Bluebonnet Babies and Mommy Owl

via Bluebonnet Babies and Mommy Owl





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