How Tara Williams, Founder Of Dreamland Baby, Does It All

We love a good Shark Tank product and Dreamland Baby certainly falls in that category. In fact, we dare say the brand makes great products!

Tara Williams, mom of four, created her weighted wearable blanket with safety (and a good night’s sleep) in mind. Tara has since expanded her product line to include the weighted sacks for toddlers up to 24 months and weighted blankets for children ages 3-8. The weighted sleep sack has become a must-have item on new parents’ baby registries, and the company is on track to help 100,000+ babies and families get a better night’s sleep before the year is up!

Founding and running a successful business while raising four kids is not something many people can say they’ve done. We chatted with the inspiring mom entrepreneur to find out about how she got her start and how she manages to juggle so many balls.

Momtastic: Can you tell us a little bit about your background before becoming a mom? 

Tara Williams: I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area after college to pursue a career in the medical industry. I was very passionate about my career as it allowed me to make a difference in patient’s lives. I held various roles in marketing, sales, and leadership for several medical startups, and those experiences helped me tremendously when I started Dreamland Baby.

Momtastic: Can you tell us a little bit about your business and how being a mom inspired it?

Tara Williams: Dreamland Baby was 100% inspired by my 4th child, Luke. When he was six months old, he was still waking up every hour and a half. I was sleep-deprived and at a loss about what to do to help him and our entire family get the rest we needed. One night out of sheer desperation, I placed a throw blanket on Luke and noticed he instantly calmed down under the gentle weight. I realized he needed a weighted blanket but couldn’t find one he could safely wear. That was my “Aha” moment! I asked my mother-in-law, who happens to be a talented seamstress, to create a prototype. After wearing it the first night, Luke slept 12 hours. I knew then this was a product that parents everywhere would appreciate, and that’s when the idea for Dreamland Baby was born!   

Momtastic: It’s not easy to balance running a business with being a mom – any tips or tricks?

Tara Williams: So true, and that’s why I don’t focus on achieving balance because, truthfully, I’m not sure that’s possible! But, what works for me, is to keep to a schedule as much as possible. I prioritize my children and husband in the same way I prioritize work. I schedule a lot of activities with the kids, even something as simple as a walk -Wednesdays from 6-7 pm. If it’s on my schedule, I stick to it! I know this isn’t for everyone, but it works for me.

Also, I have become very good at compartmentalizing business and mom life. When I am working, my kids know they are not allowed in my office, and I work straight through. When I am spending time with my kids, they know they will get my undivided attention. I also have a rule that I do not work on the weekends. I shut my computer around 5 or 6 pm and don’t open it again until Monday morning. This keeps my mind clear of business and lets me focus on my family.

Momtastic: What have been some of the biggest challenges when it comes to the business? 

Tara Williams: The biggest challenge for me has been not allowing myself to get too excited or too demoralized. When I first started the business, it felt like I was celebrating something huge, then the next moment thought the business was doomed. I find maintaining an equilibrium helps me stay focused. As an entrepreneur, there will always be challenges, from minor snafus to more significant production problems. But I have learned to embrace these challenges as part of building a successful company.

Momtastic: At any point, did you think about giving up? If so, what kept you going? 

Tara Williams: Yes! So many times. Especially in the first six months. I love the quote, “The difference in winning & losing is most often…Not quitting.” I have this on the wall in my office and look at it often. Whenever I feel like quitting, I think about all I have accomplished and think if I could get this far, I can’t stop now.

Momtastic: Can you tell us, in general, some of your favorite parenting must-have items?

Tara Williams: Dreamland Baby Weighted Sleep Sacks, of course! As a four-time mom, I have to admit; I was pretty minimalist. My must-haves: cute pajamas (I kept my kids in them all day), breast pump, diaper bag, a double stroller, lightweight car seat, sound machine, Tush Baby Hip Carrier and lots of pacifiers!

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