Taking out time for yourself with kids around can be challenging. It becomes especially difficult for new parents. Looking after yourself or doing some activities that make you feel relaxed takes a back seat due to the constant need to look after the kids. It eventually becomes too much to handle and you feel overwhelmed all the time. But there are some easy ways to have some “me” time even when you have kids. Want to know about these tips? Read on.
1. Be Clear about What is Essential and What is Not

Every parent thinks that they need to supervise their child 24/7. But in many cases that’s not true. Once essential things like feeding, snuggling, talking, and playing are done, you can let your child explore certain things on their own like drawing, playing with toys, and so on. They don’t need to be carried around or played with all the time. So, try to figure out what are essential things that your kids need, and what is that they can do on their own. Once you figure this out, you can use some free time to do things you like.
2. Take Help of Online Classes
If you are a new parent or single parent, then leaving your child alone for a long may not be possible, at least for the initial few months. This is where online classes come into play.
Use your kid’s nap time to exercise, dance, learn something new, start a new hobby, meditate, do yoga, or anything you like with the help of online classes. And if you don’t want to do any of these, simply take this quiet time to listen to some audiobook or snuggle on the couch and sleep. There is nothing more relaxing than a good sleep.
3. Set Realistic Goals
Once you have kids, it will be difficult to have a spick and span house for a couple of years. So, do not get stressed about things that are no longer in your control. Instead, set realistic goals. Try to focus on the important tasks that need to be tackled and looked after, instead of things that are optional. This will give to some free time at hand to look after yourself. But if you can’t overlook such things, consider hiring help, if you can afford it, to avoid ruining your free time by tackling not-so-important tasks.
4. Inform About Your Appointments in Advance
One of the best ways to have some “me” time is to book appointments and inform your partner about it in advance, rather than last minute. For going to the spa, meeting with friends, going for a nice lunch, or another activity, make the appointment in advance and inform your partner beforehand. This way your partner can clear his schedule and be free to look after the little ones while you relax.
5. Ask For Help

Looking constantly after kids can sometimes take a toll on one’s mental and physical health. That is why, it is essential to be vocal about your problem and ask for help whenever required. There is no need to hesitate to ask for some time to look after yourself. If you are happy from within, things will become a bit easier to tackle. So, do not shy from asking for help from your family or friends whenever the need arises.
And do not ever feel guilty for having some “me” time. Sometimes prioritising yourself and your health is essential to develop a better bond with your little one. So, follow these tips and take out some time for yourself today.
You can also read 10 Quick Kids-Friendly Breakfast Ideas For Easy Mornings