Positive affirmations deeply impact a child’s life, especially when we as parents incorporate them into our daily conversations with them at a young age. It boosts their self-esteem and self-confidence and encourages communication with their parents.
Kind words from parents help kids thrive throughout their lives and serve as their pillar of support when they have to deal with challenging situations as adults. So, if you have not yet started saying positive affirmations to your child, now is the time. To help you out, we have listed seven positive affirmations that will have a long-lasting effect on your child.
1. We believe in you
Most kids suffer from low self-esteem, regardless of their age. However, when parents trust their little ones, it helps them develop into self-assured adults. Your child might have failed several times, but assure them you will never lose faith in them.
2. We appreciate your efforts
Such words help kids never to give up, irrespective of the result. When you say this positive affirmation to your child, it pushes them to try harder and do their best to get the desired result. It even encourages them to try new things, follow a new path, and achieve their goals without worrying about the outcome. Removing the fear of trying something new is sometimes the key to success, so we as parents should always encourage them to let go of the same.
3. You are beautiful

This positive affirmation is essential for girls, especially if they are dealing with body image issues. The world is quite harsh on women, especially when it comes to their appearance, and it starts all the way since they are young and vulnerable. Assuring them of their body will help them become more comfortable in their skin and look beyond physical appearance.
4. We are proud of you
Didn’t you beam (or maybe even tear up) when you heard this positive affirmation from your parents? Then why not say it to your kids? It will make them confident and happy with their achievements and push them to work harder. All your munchkins want is to make you feel proud, so let them know that you are very proud of them for their daily effort.
5. Yes, this is possible
Never tell your kids that something cannot be done. Always encourage them to go out of their way to find the solution to their biggest challenge. Every problem has a solution if they are determined enough to resolve them. If possible, assist your kids in finding the answer. This affirmation inculcates a quality of determination in your little ones, motivating them to deal with the challenges head-on. Teaching kids a growth mindset is essential for their future success.
6. We love you/I love you
Regardless of your choice of parenting style, always let them know that you love them. These three magical words can change everyone’s lives because everybody can use some extra love. Say these words every day to make your child feel valued, despite you being in a good, bad, or ugly situation.
7. You are enough

Teaching them that they are enough and should never pretend to be anyone else or do things to please others is a super important lesson we must teach as parents. This positive affirmation will help your children have a sense of control over their lives, making it easier for them to thrive without making them vulnerable. Knowing they are enough also makes them less susceptible to falling prey to peer pressure later in life.
Feel free to print these positive affirmations into cute posters to stick around your child’s bedroom or write them on sticky notes that you can send with their school lunch boxes.