Duct Tape Notebook Craft

DIY: Duct Tape Notebook


  • duct tape
  • cereal box
  • scissors
  • needle
  • thread
  • blank paper
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • awl

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Materials


Step 1: Cut your cereal box to the size you would like. Make sure to fold it in half to create a crease before covering it with your duct tape of choice. You can do horizontal or vertical strips of tape, both should work fine!

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Step 1

Step 2: Measure and cut your blank paper for the inside of the notebook. I recommend making the paper about half an inch shorter than the notebook. Once you have your paper cut, fold them all in half and stack them together. Next, measure equal distant dots, you’ll need the dots marked on the inside of the pages. I made mine an inch in from the edge.

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Step 2

Step 3: Use those dots as a guide and push your awl through all of the pages. You could also use a needle if you don’t have an awl and if you don’t have too much paper.

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Step 3

Step 4: Make identical dots on the inside of the cover and puncture them with the awl as well.

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Step 4

Step 5: Next, thread your needle with some thread and starting on the inside of the book, run the thread out one side and in the other connecting the dots from the outside of the cover.

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Step 5

Step 6: Once you have brought the thread back to the inside of the book through the opposite hole, cut the thread and tie the two ends together on the inside of the book.

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Step 6

Step 7: Now you can add an image to the outside cover with some duct tape – I just cut some black tape into the shape of a cloud and raindrops – and you’re done!

Duct Tape Notebook Craft - Step 7

Find more crafts from Kersey Campbell at ARDOR.

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