DIY Natural Garbage Disposal Refresh Pods To The Rescue

With three kids I spend most my time in the kitchen. I cook breakfast, lunch and dinner (and what feels like 100 snacks in between) nearly every day. No matter how often I clean my kitchen sink; inevitably, the dirt, grime, and food that gets into the sink makes it stink. And, a stinky sink is a gross sink. So, in addition to cleaning it regularly, I found a solution that deodorizes the sink, DIY garbage disposal refresher tabs. The homemade tabs are made from natural ingredients, so I don’t need to worry about the harsh chemicals, plus the smell is refreshing. It’s a smell-good sink bomb!

Say goodbye to sink odor by following the simple steps below.

DIY Garbage Disposal Sink Bombs 


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon water
  • 2 tablespoons Castile Soap
  • 30 drops essential oils (lemon, tea tree, peppermint, lemon, orange or any combo)
  • 1/2 tablespoon or 1 tablespoon to mold the tabs (star, square or circle rubber molds work, too)


Step 1: Add ingredients to a medium size bowl.

Step 2: Blend the baking soda and salt, then stir in the soap and essential oils. Pour in the water slowly, as you mix with your hands. The mix should be the consistency of damp sand. You don’t want it too wet, and if it’s too dry it will crumble. If you need to add more water, add it little by little.

Note: You can use any combo of essential oils. Lemon has fantastic cleansing properties, so it’s a good option. I had Eucalyptus Castile Soap, so added peppermint and orange together. It smells amazing. I think lemon and grapefruit would smell yummy, too. If you don’t have essential oils on hand, you can replace the water and essential oils with the juice of 1-2 lemons.

Step 3: Press the mixture into 1/2 tablespoon (or 1 tablespoon if you want it larger). Then, slide it onto a piece of parchment paper. Initially, it feels like the half domes are too fragile, but they do harden. Wait 24 hours for them to completely harden, and find a cute jar for storage.

Next time your sink stinks, throw two to three down the drain, run a slow stream of hot water (not directly in the disposal), and run the disposal. It’s an instant refresh.

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