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DIY for Moms (Page 37)
If you're all DIYed out after Christmas, here's one NYE craft that you can put together in a couple minutes.
And yes, my son can make these festive snowflakes on his own.
And yes, this ornament is incredibly easy to do -- even if you're not crafty.
And yes, your kids can do it on their own. Set this craft up, and go do something else while…
Here are 11 low-mess, creative + brilliant ways to keep to the kids entertained until lunch hits the table.
Really, you don't have to be crafty to pull off these elegant ornaments.
This is my kids' favorite new indoor game.
We set the kids' table up with this ornament-making station, and it keeps them entertained for hours.
After dinner, I just roll up the paper to reveal a clean table.
I take every opportunity I can get to teach my son about gratitude---not just expressing it, but acting upon it,…
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