DIY: Super Cool Book Covers Check out our easy tutorial on how to make book covers, and try this DIY with your kids.
4 Stamped Napkins DIYs Using Stuff You Already Have Around the House A little craft paint + a whole lot of love = the perfect party DIY!
DIY Birthday Party Crowns Your little wannabe princess will have as much fun making her own crown as she will wearing it!
DIY Beach Bag With Cord Straps Don't take your nice bag to the beach! Whip up a quick cord-handled bag to tote your stuff.
DIY Goofy Can Koozies A serious upgrade from the free koozies you got at the ballpark, and fun to make!
Sleepover Activity: 3 Fun Flip Flop Decorating Ideas Show your team spirit and jazz up boring dollar store flip flops with these fun ideas!
DIY Printable Paper Cup Sleeves for Lemonade Stands How to make your kids' lemonade stand endeavor even more fun!