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Toddlers (Page 12)
Real moms reveal their budding comedians' silliest remarks.
Here's the thing: Your body doesn't have to be on demand 24/7, like it was during the newborn years.
You know, like those days when your kid's diet includes more treats than broccoli and kale.
You never have to schedule a play date + six more ways twins are "easy."
Yes, toddlers are challenging -- but this stage can also be very sweet.
You know your kids better than anyone. Doesn't that make you the best expert on how to raise them?
We can't go on last-minute adventures. Everything requires planning, or at least an extra set of hands.
I've potty trained three boys. It wasn't fun, but these tricks would have made things much easier.
I used to always stick to my guns -- but then I discovered a smarter way to parent my twins.
What's more adorable than these photos? Nothing! Click through for cuteness overload.
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