8-Year-Old Helps Mom Deliver Baby Brother at Home

Jazmine McEnaney told the dispatcher that her mom was pregnant and her water had just broken, saying that her mom was in “so much pain.” While Jazmine and her mom were on the phone with 911, the baby started to emerge.

The dispatcher expertly talked Jazmine and her mother through the delivery of the baby, a boy — Joseph James Snyder — during the eight-minute call, with Jazmine calmly relaying the dispatcher’s instructions, fetching towels and other necessary items, and securing the baby’s head as he emerged.

When paramedics rushed in a few minutes later, mom and baby were transferred to the hospital, where they were checked out and reported to be fine. Garcia says that Jazmine stayed calm when she needed to.

“I was hysterical, but she handled the situation like a pro,” says Garcia.

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