13 Gifts Pregnant Moms Will Want to Keep, Instead of Re-Gift

Being pregnant is no joke. There’s the belly, the swollen ankles, and all that anticipation of the amazing life that’s about to enter (and shake up!) your world. I for one was all about being showered with love from friends and family. Even the smallest gestures, like a thinking-of-you text, I so appreciated. And whether it’s the first baby or you’re on to number, 2, 3, or beyond, every pregnant woman deserves some awesome mom-to-be gifts to make her smile.

We all love receiving cute nursery must-haves, and what mama-to-be ever turned out a sweet little outfit for the baby on the way? But some of my favorite gifts I received when I was expecting were things that were truly for me to enjoy. I liked pampering myself with little beauty treatments or giving myself an afternoon off here and there to read a book and just relax. If someone special in your life is expecting — or you are expecting — this is the list for you (hey, there’s nothing wrong with gifting yourself or hinting what you want to someone else!).

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