15 Beautiful Ways to Announce Your Rainbow Baby

When I was a tween, every adult made it seem like getting pregnant and having a baby was the easiest thing ever. I’d hear stories about girls who got pregnant the first time they had sex. Every teen-centric show tackled the topic of teen pregnancy by introducing a never-before-character who got pregnant at prom on her first time having sex.

With all of these “Pregnancy and parenthood can sneak up on you” episodes and scare tactics, imagine my surprise when I grew up and discovered that getting and staying pregnant isn’t so simple. Now, in my thirties, I don’t know many women who haven’t had a fertility struggle or pregnancy loss.

But here’s the thing: I’m happy to say that in my close circle of friends, each grieving mother has gone on to welcome her own rainbow baby (or two). Every pregnancy is sweet, but the one you experience after a loss deserves a super special announcement. Check out this slideshow for 15 beautiful ways to announce your rainbow baby.



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