when does implantation occur

When Does Implantation Occur?

If you’re trying to conceive, you’re probably wondering, When does implantation occur? and How many days after implantation can I test?

Here’s the deal: Once a fertilized embryo implants in the uterine lining, woo-hoo, you’re pregnant, but exactly when does implantation occur? It happens during that torturous two-week wait between ovulation and your next (hopefully missed) period. For some, implantation can be an early pregnancy symptom, although most won’t even know it’s happening. You could be one of the lucky ones who actually experience some of the related symptoms, so it’s good to be informed. Read on for more specifics from the American Pregnancy Association

Implantation occurs around six to 12 days after conception, towards the end of your cycle, after the fertilized embryo has traveled down the fallopian tube to your uterus.

Often, when the embryo attaches to the uterine lining, it can break up blood vessels, which creates light spotting. Only about one-third of women experience implantation bleeding. Because it occurs so close to your period, you may at first mistake it for menstruation. Implantation bleeding is different in several ways though: First of all, it will likely be a pink or brown discharge, as opposed to the bright red blood of your period, and will be free of clots. The bleeding will also last anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days. If this is your first pregnancy, there will be slightly more bleeding as your uterus isn’t accustomed to the implantation in the lining.

During implantation, you may also experience a few subtle implantation symptoms like light cramping, headaches and mood swings, all related to the surge in hormones. Heavy bleeding with more painful cramping, before your expected period, may be a sign of something more serious, like an ectopic pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about anything that seems out of the norm.

How long after implantation can I test?

While some of these early signs of implantation may get your hopes up, experts recommend waiting to take a pregnancy test until the week after you’ve missed your period to avoid false negatives.

More on trying to conceive:

Ovulation: Are You Ovulating Right Now?

Here’s Why I Lied When You Asked When We Were Having Kids

8 Ways to Test for Ovulation

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