how long does implantation take

How Long Does Implantation Take?

When does implantation happen?

Once sperm meets egg, that growing embryo needs to get settled in your womb, but how long does implantation take? Well, after an egg has been fertilized, it takes several days for it to travel from the fallopian tube to your uterus, according to WebMD. The embryo continues growing and dividing, but it ultimately needs a place to implant. And then you’re in business.

It can be anywhere between six and 12 days following conception, about a week or so after ovulation, according to the American Pregnancy Association. For one-third of women, it’s accompanied by light spotting, called implantation bleeding, which can be your earliest sign of pregnancy. The reason: When the fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining, it breaks small blood vessels. And the spotting tends to be a little heavier with a first pregnancy. So, if you see a small bit of pink or brown discharge, that lasts anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days, don’t panic. You may be pregnant!

Signs of implantation

When you’re TTC, you tend to tune into every teeny-tiny change in your body. So during implantation, you may notice a few subtle accompanying implantation symptoms. You may have some light cramping, headaches and mood swings as your hormones surge. If you have heavy bleeding though, and it’s accompanied by fever, chills or worsening cramps, you’ll want to call your doctor ASAP. It may indicate a more serious condition, like an ectopic pregnancy.

While these early pregnancy symptoms may have you eager to take a pregnancy test, you’ll want to hold off for another week or two. For a more accurate result, it’s recommended that you wait until the week following your missed period. You wouldn’t want to get a disappointing negative, only to later find out you did in fact have a bun in the oven.

Photo: Getty

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