10 Wackiest Places Moms Have Actually Given Birth

In February 2014, a woman heading to the hospital gave birth in the crosswalk of a busy street on New York City’s Upper East Side.

An Australian woman gave birth in a Walmart parking lot while her husband ran in for a “few things.” And she’s not the first. Hope she got some gift cards!

McDonalds Bathroom
A McDonald’s employee gave birth in the restaurant’s bathroom — after having no idea she was pregnant. Apparently, she’d just thought she had eaten too many fries.

Strip Club Parking Lot
When a Dallas,Texas, couple couldn’t make it to the hospital in time to deliver their baby boy, the soon-to-be Dad pulled into the parking lot of a local strip club, where the baby was born. FInally, these exotic dancers got to prove they really are working their way through medical school.

A woman gave birth in the Toy Story parking lot after suddenly going into labor. Here’s to hoping they got comped on their return trip!

A Syracuse woman gave birth on a wildlife path, just around the corner from the bear exhibit. Fortunately, there was a zoo worker on hand who knew how to deliver babies!

After climbing a tree to avoid rushing flood waters in Mozambique, Africa, one woman actually delivered her own child. Moments later, Mom and baby were airlifted to safety.

When a dignitary’s visit brought traffic to a standstill, one woman’s brother hired a rickshaw to get his sister to the hospital. But when the police wouldn’t let the rickshaw pass, the woman gave birth right then and there. Talk about a bumpy ride.

Post office
When a woman in Cambridgeshire, England, popped into the post office to buy more minutes for her cell phone, she also popped out her baby. 

Inside an MRI machine
For the sake of science, one brave mama had her baby inside an MRI machine and gave the world the first view of what birth looks like from the inside out. Only question, did her insurance waive her co-pay?

Photo: Getty

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