Old Wives Tales About Gender: 7 Myths That Were Spot On During My Pregnancies I have a son and a daughter, and I swear there's something to gender-predicting myths.
What Is the Cravings Gender Theory & Is it Legit? My friend Rachel swears by it, but what do the pros say? Find out!
5 Things My Mom Did for Me That I Hope to Do for My Daughter #3. She let me struggle sometimes. During those challenging times I learned valuable lessons, which I want my daughter to…
What Is the Morning Sickness Gender Theory? You're pregnant and seriously nauseated. According to this theory, you're having THIS.
[VIDEO] Prenatal Workout: Yoga Stretches with Fitness Instructor Christina Sinclair Hey mamas-to-be! Time to get off the couch and get a little exercise.
5 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Have in Her Closet Since I’m a bargain hunter, none of my go-tos cost very much money.
My 5 Favorite Things in My Baby Girl’s Nursery My baby is due at the end of this month! Luckily, her nursery is almost ready.
[VIDEO] Prenatal Workout: Toning Your Arms with Fitness Instructor Christina Sinclair Do these easy exercises anywhere, anytime. Bonus: No equipment necessary!