All the Things Nobody Tells You about Being Pregnant & Having a Toddler #3. Protecting the bump from toddler attacks is a full-time job.
What to Expect at Your 20-Week Ultrasound Because here's the thing: There's a lot more to this scan than finding out your baby's gender.
I’m Totally Over Hearing People Say, ‘I Hope It’s A Boy!’ Even though I know this gender-focused comment is not ill-intentioned, it's really starting to irritate me.
How Friends Helped Me Cope With My Unplanned Pregnancy I was 16 when I became pregnant unexpectedly, and it was one of the most difficult times in my life.
Hospital Bag Checklist: What Do You Really Need to Pack? When mamas to be go into nesting node, organizing becomes instinctual! High on your priority list should be packing your…
7 Truths About Pregnancy Only Your Very Honest BFF Will Tell You Because there's too much vague bullsh*t out there that doesn't prepare you for what's about to go down.
Childbirth Really Was Harder On My Husband It bugs the crap out of me when anyone refers to men who’ve impregnated a woman as somehow earning any…
Here’s What Happens When You Buy A Case of Beer While Pregnant Hint: It involves being completely humiliated by a total stranger and ugly crying in the checkout line.
Social Media Made My Pregnancy Announcement a Nightmare It should be thrilling to announce your big news -- but for these moms, the big reveal was a disaster.
5 Questions I’m Glad I Asked During Labor My little guy arrived one day past his due date! These Qs, which I asked before and after my delivery,…