How I’m Teaching Fairness to My Twins I know, life isn't fair -- but, my goal is to keep the peace at home.
Tantrum Advice: How To Deal When Your Kid Loses It The next time your kid freaks, try not to lose your sh*t -- and follow this advice from the pros.
Why Ontario’s Full-Day Kindergarten Is All Sorts of Wrong As a (former) teacher and a (current) parent, I love the idea of full day kindergarten. But it's simply NOT…
5 Secrets to Raising a Kid Who Is Kind to Others #2. Encourage your kids to look for success in others.
My Preschooler Has a Girlfriend (& I’m Not Sure I Can Handle It) It's hard to imagine my precious baby having crushes, but I'm getting glimpses of what's ahead.
7 Best Tablets for Kids, According to the Reviews These kid-friendly tablets offer your child a kid-safe environment to play and learn -- and you won't have to share…
21 Things Only Moms with 4-Year-Olds Know #13. His reaction to you saying, “No,” would make Shakespeare give him a standing ovation.
11 Amazing Toys from the ’80s & ’90s That You Can Still Buy for Your Kids Watching my daughter enjoy the toys that I loved as a child tugs at my heartstrings.