My Mom’s Wine Jelly Will Be Your New Favorite Thing

My Mom's Wine Jelly Will Be Your New Favorite Thing by @letmestart on @itsMomtastic

People don’t just flock to my house when my mom comes to visit because they’re being neighborly: they know she’ll be there with a box of homemade wine jelly she’ll happily let them pluck a jar (or two) from. Surprisingly easy to make, this sweet (and alcohol-free, once cooked) treat is a gift that always goes over well. And today I am sharing the recipe with you.

Whether you’re looking for a special hostess gift with a personal touch, a favor to give during a wine tasting party, or an inexpensive little something that makes a statement to hand over to a crowd when lots of family gather during celebratory times, this wine jelly fits the bill.

Any wine will do—yes, even the cheap stuff—so simply decide which color you’re going for (pretty pink, deep red, a clear golden yellow), break that bottle open, and get to work. Each batch makes about half a dozen jars, so feel free to use the old, “one for you, two for me” method of gift-giving. You can thank me (and my mom) later. No special equipment needed other than 5-6 (8 oz.) jelly jars and a wide-mouth funnel.

My Mom’s Wine Jelly Recipe


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