Green Eggs and Cheese

You’ll like it on a plate.  You’ll like it on a dish.   

You’ll eat my green eggs and cheese anywhere you wish.

Okay, clearly I’m no Dr. Seuss, but this recipe could nevertheless become a crowd pleaser in your home this St. Patrick’s Day.

Most kids can handle eating eggs, and here’s a festive, fun way to add a huge handful of vitamins with spinach!  And who will be able to resist the delicious, melted mozzarella cheese here?

Your kids will eat these eggs in a chair; they will eat them at the table.  Your kids will eat green eggs and cheese anywhere they are able!

(Yes, I know, I know.  I should stick to cooking!)


  • 3 whole eggs
  • 1 cup packed spinach
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Sprinkling of pepper
  • Olive oil for pan
  • 1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese


Serves 2

Total Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Cooking Time: 5 minutes

Crack the eggs into a blender and add the spinach, salt, and a sprinkling of pepper.  Blend until you have a totally smooth green egg mixture — this should take about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

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Heat a medium-sized, non-stick skillet over medium heat with enough olive oil to coat the bottom.  Pour in the green egg mixture and let it cook until almost solid, about 1 minute.  Sprinkle almost all of the cheese evenly over the top and continue to cook until it’s completely solid, about 1 more minute.  Carefully use a small spoon or spreading knife to roll up the egg into a burrito of sorts.  Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and remove it from the pan.  Slice in half — or for a slightly dramatic presentation – slice into several 1-inch rounds.

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Some additional notes:

Green Eggs and Cheese are the perfect way to start St. Patrick’s Day! And for more St. Patrick’s Day recipes, you might also enjoy:

St. Patrick’s Day Homemade Corned Beef Hash

St. Patrick’s Day Cabbage and Cherries

St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef Hash Frittata

St. Patrick’s Day Green Chocolate Chip Cookies

Soda Bread


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