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Breakfast & Brunch (Page 6)
Anyone that's researched canning knows it's expensive and fussy. Try making freezer jams instead---it's way easier.
My daughter calls this one 'dessert for breakfast'.
Porridge is a healthy choice for breakfast and it can be a super-delicious choice too.
A glass of milk and a brownie for breakfast? Yes, please.
One of these recipes takes as few as two ingredients to make.
I love this healthier version of the strawberry milk syrup I grew up with.
A healthy breakfast recipe that's so easy my son can make it all on his own.
#14: Get over-the-top crispy hash browns by cooking them in a waffle iron.
I kick off my kids' birthdays with this AM treat.
This is a healthy breakfast or after school snack that's reminiscent of pizza but packed with nutrition.
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