44 Ways to Make Mac ‘n’ Cheese – The Ultimate Guide

Mac & Cheese Bites

mac and cheese bites

image: Momtastic my revelation means everything to

It’s all about portion control. Try not to eat twenty. Get the recipe at Momtastic.

Avocado Mac & Cheese

avocado mac and cheese

image: Two Peas and Their Pod

Green goodness! Garlic, cilantro, and lime give this mac recipe a Mexican twist. Get the recipe at Two Peas and Their Pod.

Ramen Mac & Cheese 

ramen mac and cheese

image: Marriage and Laughter

Toss out that chicken-flavored packet and add in traditional mac and cheese ingredients to elevate your old college staple. Get the recipe at Marriage & Laughter.

Cauliflower and Puff Pastry Mac & Cheese

puff pastry mac and cheese

image: Zombiesnack

This is a true leftover dish—take any veggies you have lying around and scraps of puff pastry you no doubt have in your freezer to make one insanely delish dish. Get the recipe at Zombiesnack.

Baked Apple Macaroni & Cheese

apple mac and cheese

image: MiCuisine

Sweet and savory is a match made in heaven. Get the recipe at MiCuisine.

Pumpkin Cheddar Mac & Cheese

pumpkin mac and cheese in white cups

image: noshon.it

This dish is a must-have for your fall dinners. Get the recipe at noshon.it.

Tuscan Mac & Cheese with Kale and Turkey Bacon

mac and cheese with ground turkey in red mini dutch ovens

image: The Scrumptious Pumpkin

It’s got kale and turkey bacon. So, ya know, it’s healthy. Get the recipe at The Scrumptious Pumpkin.

Have a tried and true favorite mac ‘n’ cheese recipe? Leave a link in the comments below.

See all of Momtastic’s tried and true mac ‘n’ cheese recipes.


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