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Drinks & Cocktails (Page 7)
A homemade drink sure to fill your guests from head to toe with holiday goodness.
How do you make sipping a nice cup of hot chocolate even more enjoyable? Add booze and sweet citrus flavor,…
Chocolate + martinis? The holidays are officially ON.
A cocktail is the perfect holiday party accessory. Bonus: These drinks won't give you calorie overload.
My corn syrup free take on this classic Disney refresher!
Get the recipe for the latest and greatest Disney Parks drinkable treat, just in time for caramel apple season!
Here's my take on the traditional Mexican coffee recipe to enjoy on the Day of the Dead.
It doesn't get much more refreshing than this!
You'll never guess what this child is talking about. Watch this video to find out!
The taste of summer, made right in your own kitchen!
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