
Summer Sips With Dry Creek Vineyards

They are passionate about the style and flavor profiles of their wines. The new 2011 releases of Dry Creek Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, and Fumé Blanc demonstrate this passion for consistent style and flavor profiles. All three white wines are wonderful choices for your summer wine sipping!

The 2011 Dry Creek Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc is my go-to Sauvignon Blanc while the weather is hot! It is crisp, refreshing with juicy fruit and nice acid. When a Sauvignon Blanc has all of these characters, I like to say that it is extremely well balanced. I love the citrus, green herbaceousness and tropical pineapple notes of this wine. This fabulous summer sipper can be purchased for just $16.

Food + Wine Pairings~ Dry Creek Sauvignon Blanc

~ Asian dishes

~ Ceviche

~ Chicken Club Sandwich

~ White fish, such as grilled halibut

~ Pasta with garden vegetables

~ Vegetable Quiche

The 2011 Dry Creek Vineyard Dry Chenin Blanc is a superb New World example of one of Loire Valley’s, located in France, greatest grapes. It is crisp, dry with wonderful peach, pineapple, apple and citrus notes. My favorite aspect of this wine is the chalky minerality which provides balance and structure to this wine. This wine is the perfect backyard summer sipper! Purchase for just $12.

Food + Wine Pairings~ Dry Creek Dry Chenin Blanc

~ Oysters

~ Did I mention oysters?

~ White fish

~ Mussels

~ Spring Rolls

~ Sushi

~ Thai food

The 2011 Dry Creek Vineyard Fumé Blanc is an intensely aromatic cousin of the Sauvignon Blanc. Super citrus and herbaceous green notes dominate this food friendly wine. This wine is crisp, cool with kicking acidity. This classic Fumé Blanc is a great summer wine that is well balanced and pairs nicely with a variety of food. Purchase at Dry Creek for just $14.

Food + Wine Pairings~ Fumé Blanc

~ Sushi, specifically California rolls

~ Fish & Chips

~ Greek Dolmas

{Disclosure: I was provided with wine from Dry Creek Vineyards. All statements and opinions expressed in this article are my own.}

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