The New Treasure Hunting Toy That’s Keeping My Adventurous Kid Very Busy

Who knew that hunting for treasure could be so much fun? With the new Treasure X: Sunken Gold Treasure Ship Playset you can keep even the most adventurous kids busy for hours! With 25 levels of play, and hidden secrets all the way through, it’s a guaranteed winner.

The excitement begins from the minute you open the box, with so many things to feast your eyes on and a treasure ship full of fun levels all leading to the ultimate goal – GOLD DIPPED TREASURE!

The first thing kids will notice is the Kraken, sitting on top of the pirate ship…but before they can defeat the Kraken they must save the captain, find weapons, cannons, the anchor, the steering wheel and so many other exciting things along the way. Getting the captain out of his rubbery tentacles is fun in itself because it’s like the beast just won’t let go!

Will your little one be walking the plank, firing the spring-loaded cannon or going through the trapdoor into jail? Every single level can be reset for playing again, perfect for repeat adventurers!

The skull on the back of the ship helps to set the scene, and the fun starts in a big way, with level one meaning you have to rescue the Captain. If your kids are anything like mine at this point you’re hearing squeals of “aaargh!” and “ahoy there me hearties!”. From there, working through each of the steps of the adventure means that kids are constantly figuring out what they need to do to progress.

The experience of opening the hatches and then opening the different “treasures” up is a definite winner, as each one contains different things concealing the treasures. Digging through the soot gives you the sword and dagger as the soot expands all around you, then you use the dagger to complete the next quest!

Every swashbuckling level leads to defeating the Kraken- and doing so means that you get real gold-dipped treasure from the chest held within the beast. And trust me, he doesn’t give up that treasure easily!

Find all the pieces to put the ship back together, fire the cannons and make the magic foam ooze through the holes in the ship, there are endless adventures. Retailing at $80 and available right now, the Treasure X: Sunken Gold Treasure Ship Playset is the ultimate gift for any child that loves pirate and treasure hunting adventures!

The fun doesn’t have to end there, when the novelty of opening all the treasure holds has worn off, the Treasure X: Sunken Gold Treasure Ship Playset makes for awesome fun in the bath, or for sand and water play fun. It’s also pretty cool for hiding your secret treasures you don’t want your big sister to find…or that might just be at my house!

Oh and don’t forget the Treasure X: Sunken Gold Bottle Smash, which is filled with slimy liquid and 10 levels to complete (retailing at $15) and the Treasure X Sunken Gold Shark’s Treasure with 16 levels of adventurous play filled with treasure and ending with a battle shark that your treasure hunter can ride!

Shop now at participating retailers.

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