9 Jurassic Park Games on Amazon

Do you have a kid that loves dinosaurs? Jurassic Park/Jurassic World are very popular right now among young children especially with the popularity of the Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous series on Netflix. To help keep your little paleontologist entertained check out these 9 Jurassic Park themed games available on Amazon.

Jurassic World Matching Game

Ages: 3 and up

An easy to play matching game that will help preschoolers develop focus, memory and matching skills.

UNO Attack Jurassic World Dominion

Ages: 7 and up

Take UNO up a notch with UNO Attack. The added surprise of a dinosaur head-shaped card launcher featuring lights and sounds will make UNO extra fun.

Funkoverse: Jurassic Park Strategy Game

Ages: 10 and up

Play as on of the 4 exclusive Funkoverse Pop! Game figures: Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Ellie Sattler, Ray Arnold, and Raptor. Use your characters’ unique abilities to capture points and achieve victory!

Ravensburger Jurassic Park Danger!

Ages: 10 and up

One player controls savage dinosaurs while the others play as a group of iconic characters working together to outsmart the dinosaurs and survive!

Spot It! Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous

Ages: 7 and up

Spot It! is a fast paced matching game with multiple ways to play the game. The game helps develops focus, visual perception skills, speech language skills, and fine motor skills for kids and adults.

Jurassic Park Bid to Win Trivia Game

Ages: 12 and up

Test your knowledge about topics from across Jurassic Park, The Lost World, and Jurassic Park 3 where everyone has a chance to answer the question and place bets based on your level on confidence. 

Jurassic World Path Game Ready to Roll

Ages: 5 and up

Spin to move along the path! Collect tokens along the way! Great for any Jurassic World fan!

Jurassic World Dominion, Stomp N’ Smash

Ages: 5 and up

Build your dinosaur out of Kinectic sand and be the first player with 5 Jurassic tokens but don’t get stomped by the T-Rex! Play with your favorite dinosaurs such as Dilophosaurus, Velociraptor, Pyroraptor, and the Dimetrodon.

MONOPOLY: Jurassic Park Edition

Ages: 8 and up

Monopoly: Jurassic Park Edition game is a fun twist on classic Monopoly game play and makes a great gift idea for fans of the Jurassic Park movie.



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