Mom & Mini Street Style: The New Nautical

On Sylvie: Vince Striped Sweater, Gap Long Sleeve Supersoft Bowery Tee, Current Elliott Slouchy Stiletto Denim, Gap Leopard Tote (Sold Out), Portolano Scarf via Gilt, J Crew Classic Leather Ballet Flats, Warby Parker Glasses (Discontinued Frame)

On T: BabyGap Striped Hoodie (Sold Out), BabyGap Striped Knit Pants (Sold Out), Pompkins Godzilla Socks

Hey hey there, Momtastic world! My name is Sylvie, this here is my little dude, T, and we’re thrilled to be the newest members of the Momtastic family. T & I have a ridiculous time taking pictures and shopping is part of my profession, so we’ll be documenting and sharing our weekly fashion adventures here with you. Unlike most glossy street style blogs we salivate over, ours is a true glimpse of my mom street style and what me and my little man wear on any given day—en route to grocery shopping, play dates, or a walk to the park (or in today’s case, sick at home and on our way to Walgreens to pick up more Kleenex). I don’t have time (or energy) to put on a full face of magazine worthy makeup or give myself a Kardashian-esque blowout. I wish I did! So every day, my hair is proudly pulled back and the most minimal amount of makeup makes it on my face before we dash out the door. But I still believe in looking and feeling great and this is what our style stories will celebrate.

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This week’s post is dedicated to the timeless January Nautical trend. Ever wonder why every January, your favorite fashion magazines and brands feature stories of stripes, white and all things navy? For as long as most style mavens can remember, fashion designers have created these Resort or Cruise Collections between the Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer seasons. Originally designed for the jet set who whisked themselves off to luxurious warm weather vacation destinations, resort fashion was often inspired by yacht wear—crisp white cottons, mariner striped knitwear and classic navy everything. Over time, this once niche collection trickled down to our favorite shopping mall stores and was embraced as the perfect palette cleanser from the cozy cables, pop colored plaids and red from the holiday season.

The Nautical trend is one of my favorite trends ever and here’s why: these pieces can be worn all year round. Layered or standalone, these classic neutral items withstand every fleeting trend every time and look fabulous at every age.

As a former shopgirl-turned-fashion student-turned-retail buyer, my style philosophy has always been simple: the best looks are in clothes that make us feel like we can take on the world, are versatile enough to outlast flash trends or single season and are a great value for the price.

But I knew when T was born—and after living in my pajamas for a month straight—my rules had to evolve to keep up with an energizer bunny baby boy all hours of the day. And, my wallet could no longer afford random shopping trips so I had to make sure that every item in my closet could be dressed up/down/under/over everything else in my closet.

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Now, my mom style formula is: FEEL AWESOME, COMFORTABLE enough to run around or breastfeed and CUTE enough for a last minute brunch date with my baby-less girlfriends. It’s a good filter to make sure that even though my hair is pulled back, I can still indulge in a superfierce red lipstick or if my jeans are on the slouchier side, ballet flats trump sneakers every time.

So during the days with T, I’ve shelved my stilettos, bold earrings, designer handbags and super tailored tops and embraced flats, delicate necklaces, roomy, printed tote bags and drapey knitwear of all kinds.

I’m a determined bargain huntress, seeking out the deepest discounts on my favorite contemporary, specialty and value brands and mixing them up in my daily outfits. And I respect the power one punchy accessory can bring to any outfit. For today’s look, that means electric blue ballet flats, a silver grey scarf and leopard tote for me and silly godzilla socks for T.

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Now it’s your turn: how did your style evolve after starting your family? What are the fashion tips you swear by? And if you have the ability to have fabulously styled hair every day…tell me your secret!

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