How to Fake Perfect Skin, in a Few Simple Steps

There is nothing more lovely than glowing flawless skin. Unless you are one of the few who has been blessed with impeccable genes, you have to do some camouflaging of your skin to get that gorgeous airbrushed look. The trick is to get the appearance of even, bright skin without looking like you just got worked over by a makeup artist. Here are my tips and tricks for how to fake perfect skin every day.

perfect skin


Here we go with no makeup!! EEK! Most of us have some hyper pigmentation and sun spot issues. Also those dark circles need some TLC.


Step 1: Cleanse your face and apply SPF and foundation primer to whole face.

perfect skin

Step 2: Next, apply a dime size amount of foundation to buffing brush. Buff product into skin. Make sure to blend into ears and neck for seamlessness.

perfect skin

Step 3: Apply three strokes of concealer under eyes, working from tear duct to end of nose.

perfect skin

Step 4: Blend in foundation with your beauty sponge in dabbing motion until product is all blended. Bounce sponge over darker pigmentation areas as well.

perfect skin

Step 5: Dust bronzer to cheeks, temple, and middle of neck to warm up face.

perfect skin

Step 6: Using fingers, blend in cream highlighter to upper cheekbones and temples. Use a tapping motion for this.

perfect skin

Voila! No one will every know what you are hiding! Your secret is safe!

perfect skin

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